Seeing Clearly


When I went for my jog yesterday morning, there was a light fog that covered the path ahead of me. It wasn’t too dense that I couldn’t see where I was going, but if I was trying to focus on something in the distance, my vision was a little obscured.

It reminded me of how sometimes the things of the Lord seem obscured to me as well. When I am not sure what I am supposed to do next, it can seem as though I can’t see the will of God clearly.

It is during those times when we are not sure what we are to do next that we need to put our faith and trust in Him and seek Him more earnestly.

Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp to my feet
    and a light to my path.

We can seek Him through His Word. The Word of God is a light for our path. We can find our next step in His Word. When we read Scripture, the Lord speaks to us through His Holy Spirit. If you are not sure what your next step is, open His Word and read it.

Jesus didn’t tell the disciples everything all at once. He only told them what He thought they could handle and the same is true with us today.

John 16:12

“I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.”

The Lord only tells us what we need to know and doesn’t overwhelm us with more than we can handle. In doing so, we don’t see the full path but we see the step in front of us.

Just as when we find ourselves in fog, we have to really focus on what is directly in front of us, when we want to do the will of God, we have to focus on what is in front of us. We need to seek the Lord to see what the next step is, not necessarily where the next 4 steps will lead us.

In depending on the Lord to know what the next step is, we grow in our faith as we spend more time with Him. We think it would make things easier if we could see further down the path but then we might become prideful and think we could do it on our own. We can never do the will of God without the presence of God.

Psalm 37:23

The steps of a man are established by the Lord,
    when he delights in his way;

Categories: Uncategorized | 3 Comments

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3 thoughts on “Seeing Clearly

  1. This reminds me of what I once heard about Psalm 119:105, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” The lamps of ancient Israel would only cast a light a few feet in front of the lamp holder. Therefore, we have to trust God to what we can’t see. Great post. Thank you.

    • Julie, I love that verse. Love the idea of the Lord only lighting up just what we need. It certainly helps me to remain dependent upon Him. Blessings and hope you have a great weekend!

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